Knowledge or vidya gives power, pleasure, and honor. Both science and spirituality enrich us with knowledge. Knowledge gives us weapon to fight with all kind of ignorance. Whichever aspect of life one wants to get enrich knowledge gives it true color. Parmarth Trust is here for those who want to get the wings but lacking with Guidance, opportunity and resources. We need your honesty and consistency rest will be taken care by us.
Basic Education: A strong building can be made on a strong pillar so as a bright student can become only with strong elementary educational base. Education with ethics, moral and enriched with robust health. Not only carrying the load of books made you students, a mind full with knowledge, how to make situation helpful for you will help to succeed in life.
Physical Education:- A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. One can make his/her career by joining Police and Forces. Parmarth trust is here for all those aspirants who want to make their career in uniform job. We Please join us to join Forces, a life full of valor and pride.